Strategic Enrollment Planning

SEP 1.0

The Steering Committee finalized a strategic enrollment plan in January 2020 that included undergraduate and graduate enrollment targets for headcounts by college and student type, and retention and graduation rates, and considered their impact on net tuition revenue, incoming headcount, and total headcount. The work of achieving the goals within the Strategic Enrollment Plan (SEP) transitioned from the Steering Committee to an SEP Implementation Committee that was charged with supporting and guiding the implementation of several near-term initiatives. Each initiative team identified the goals of the work and developed a plan to reach those desired outcomes and pursued them throughout the remainder of 2020, with a specific focus on Fall 2020 enrollment. These efforts helped UMBC maintain enrollment in the face of a pandemic, strengthen support systems for current students, and increase its visibility among prospective undergraduate and graduate students through enhanced marketing strategies. Take a look at our updated timeline.

SEP 2.0

Beginning June 2022, the reimagined Enrollment Strategy Workgroup led the next phase of our strategic enrollment planning and focused on enrollment planning in a post pandemic landscape.  Areas of focus included international students, transfer students and the returning adult learner.   Additionally, as the original Plan was near expiration, the Workgroup engaged in an assessment exercise to identify which of the original SEP goals and strategies had been accomplished and which have yet to be addressed, as well as which goals and strategies need to be adjusted given the current landscape.  Take a look at our updated timeline.

Planning for our future

As the pool of prospective students starts to decline and the competition for them grows, UMBC needs to build enrollment in a way that balances and diversifies targets while maintaining high academic quality and financial sustainability.

We want to develop a path forward to

  • Deliver on our commitment to help students graduate successfully and well-prepared
  • Fuel the research enterprise
  • Reduce dependency on state funding while leveraging available state funding tied to key workforce needs
  • Prepare for future external opportunities and challenges

To plan for a healthy future, UMBC has launched a campus-wide initiative that focuses on institutional strategy and the student experience to create a unified Strategic Enrollment Plan. We have engaged Huron Consulting to guide us through the process, which will draw from various data sources–including feedback from across campus—to assess our current enrollment enterprise and explore opportunities. The final plan will include an inventory of potential short- and long-term initiatives, as well as implementation strategies that will involve the campus community.

Our success lies in broad engagement from students, faculty, and staff. We encourage you to return to this page for updates and opportunities to share your thoughts. If you have any questions, please email


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