Manfred H. M. van Dulmen, Provost and Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs (chair)
Renique T. Kersh, Vice President, Division of Student Affairs (vice chair)
Shannon Tinney Lichtinger, Director of Institutional Research (strategic planning project manager)
Lynne Adams, Chief Human Resources Officer
Aminah Amjad, Vice President, Graduate Student Association
Crocetta Argento, Senator, Non-exempt Staff Senate
Tanyka M. Barber, Chief Diversity Officer and Vice President, Division of Institutional Equity
Robert Bennett, Chair of the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee and Part-time Lecturer in English
Meghna Chandrasekaran, President, Student Government Association
Felipe Filomeno, Faculty Senate Representative At-large
Kacey Hammel, Chief of Staff to the President
Kathleen Hoffman, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics and Associate Dean for Faculty Development, CMNS representative
Vandana Janeja, Professor of Information Systems and Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, COEIT representative
Nicole King, Associate Professor of American Studies, CAHSS representative
Nancy Kusmaul, Faculty Senate President
Yvette Mozie Ross, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and Planning
Cael Mulcahy, Vice President, Exempt Staff Vice President
Jenny O’Grady, Assistant Vice President, Strategic Content and Magazine Editor, University Communications and Marketing
Christopher Steele, Vice Provost, Division of Professional Studies
Karl Steiner, Vice President, Division of Research and Creative Achievement
Yaakov “Jake” Weissmann, Vice President, Government Relations and Community Affairs
John M. Young, Chief of Staff, Provost’s Office