There are a myriad of ways to engage in the strategic planning process. Here is our organizational structure for strategic planning. The UMBC community (students, faculty, staff, alumni, and external public/private partners) are fundamental to the process.
The Steering Committee oversees the strategic plan, informs and facilitates the strategic planning process; develops priority areas and goals in conjunction with key partners, issues a request for proposals (RFP) for Sponsored Signature Initiatives, and informs key metrics in partnership with those responsible for implementing and deploying initiatives.
Key Partners affirm/revise mission/vision/values, come to consensus on priority areas, and formulate high-level goals by priority area. May serve on Working Groups.
Working Groups are led by co-chairs and consistent for internal and external constituents to UMBC. Some Key Partners are part of the working groups to facilitate continuity and coordination within the strategic planning organizational structure. Working groups are organized by strategic priority area. Working groups vet proposals from a n RFP for strategies to facilitate priority area and goal achievement.
There will be community engagement opportunities (active and passive) throughout the strategic plan development process. The UMBC Community engages in the strategic planning process by informing the university’s core values (thereby its mission), providing feedback on strategic goals, and proposing strategies and tactics to enact our strategic priorities and goals. Examples include (though not limited to): campus-wide surveys, planning events like the Fall Gathering and Spring Visioning Event, and a call for proposals.